Breakfast with the Mayor - Ron Nirenberg

Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
7:45 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
Check-in & Networking: 7:30 - 7:50 AM
Event Program & Breakfast: 8:00 - 9:00 AM
Presenting Sponsor: $7,000 (sold)
Gold Sponsor: $5,000 (sold)
Silver Sponsor: $3,500 (one available)
Bronze Sponsor: $2,500 (one available)
Corporate Table: Partner $1,000 | Future Partner $1,500
Half Table: Partner $500 | Future Partner $750
Individual Seat: Partner $125 | Future Partner $185
Contact Information
Cecile Montanez, VP of Development & Events
Phone: (210) 533-1600
Send Email
South Texas Business Partnership’s (SoTX) larger strategic effort to position both South San Antonio and the South Texas region as a unified and strong destination for investment. The goals of SoTX is to ensure South Texas employers have access to a qualified workforce, advocate for infrastructure investment that supports economic development in South Texas, and support programs and policies that attract and retain residents and businesses across South San Antonio and South Texas.
Register today to join us on September 18, 2024, the Embassy Suites at Brooks to celebrate and Honor Mayor Ron Nirenberg.