Alamo Area Council of Governments

GovernmentCommunity, Civic Organizations & Non Profit
Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM
About Us
the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) was established in 1967 under Chapter 391 of the Local Government Code as a voluntary association of local governments and organizations that serves its members through planning, information, and coordination activities. AACOG serves the Alamo Area/State Planning Region 18, which covers 13 counties and 12,582 square miles. Comprising the area planning region are Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, McMullen, and Wilson counties.
AACOG provides general technical assistance to member governments in their planning functions, preparation of applications, and the administration of area-wide programs. In addition, program specific technical assistance for regional planning in the areas of aging services, economic development, 9-1-1 systems, homeland security, criminal justice, resource recovery, air quality, transportation, and weatherization is also offered. We also administer the Alamo Local Authority for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Bexar County. In addition, AACOG sponsors special projects in response to local government needs or requests. Support for these activities is provided through local dues, state appropriations, state and federal grants that are matched by local monies, and other public and private funds.

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